Thursday, October 21, 2010

RIFF Saturday Workshops

The following workshops will be held on Saturday morning within various spaces in Village Gate. Each workshop will be repeated twice--one at 9:00am and again at 10:45am. The cost is $40, and you must check in at the Village Idiot's Pillar Theater by 8:50 to be register and be given the exact location of each workshop.

"Intimacy and Group Mind" By Rick Andrews
How do we overcome the fear of improvised performance? By putting trust in our scene partners, groups, and self. In this workshop, we’ll explore the issues of trust, connectivity, intimacy, and group mind from a practical perspective. We’ll work on forging a real connection to our scene partners to get access to more impactful scenework, and we’ll take some of the mysticism out of “group mind” and learn how to connect as an ensemble. Push through your fear to find a better, funnier you.

"Solo Improv Techniques" By Michael Short
How to do work to do a one-person improv show.

"Slowing Down" By John Thompson

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